It was a pretty good weekend. Of course it helped that for the first time in a REALLY long time, it was sunny and tolerable temperatures all weekend. That helped to lift our spirits.
Here are my Top Five Weekend Events
5. Friday afternoon/Evening Date Night with MommyNoah's school had a family movie night scheduled for Friday night. He really wanted to go but it was too late for him to be out when he had early gymnastics the next morning. But I felt bad because he had just finished his SECOND perfect week in a row at school.

So to make it up to him, I picked him up from school (and left Aaron at home with Daddy, who was home from work due to injury), took Noah out for dinner and then to the movie Bolt. It was such a cute movie. A couple of questionable words, but Noah didn't even catch them and the movie was a even mix between cartoon action film, and sweet friendship movie. I liked it as much as he did and we both really enjoyed our date night out.
4. Saturday Gymnastics and Dance ClassIt was the last week of the boys' gymnastics and dance classes. Steve got to come since he was still of work. It was the first time we got to actually observe Aaron's dancing portion of the class and I was impressed with how well did.
Here are the best shots I got this week

Noah's cartwheel attempts

Aaron hanging at the bar

Aaron balancing during dance class
3. Saturday Afternoon at the Zoo

We were originally planning to go to the children's museum but when it was almost 50 degrees and sunny, we decided to take advantage of our Christmas present from my parents and take the boys to the zoo.
We had never taken them in the winter before and it really was a very different experience. The animals were more active and we weren't hot and sweaty after a half hour.
The most memorable from this trip was the lioness, who is among the newest inhabitants of the zoo. When we visited right after the lions arrived, they were way up high and you couldn't really see them.
Not this time

As we came walking into the little "hut" that was constructed, we met up with our lioness friend resting right against the window. Her head was HUGE!
She and Aaron had a number of stare-downs and we were all grateful for the heavy glass separating us.
2. Saturday Afternoon OutsideAs I mentioned, it was so beautiful when we got home from the zoo, I couldn't bring myself to going inside so we stayed out for quite awhile. It turned into Steve and me cleaning out the entire van, making room for Sunday (see below) and the boys spent the time "digging out".
They managed to collapse the rest of the fort (pictures to be shared on Wednesday) and then they wanted to go sledding.
Guess why we couldn't go sledding?
The sleds were all buried under snow.

But when Noah finally gave up and headed inside, Aaron wasn't ready to come in yet so he set to work, digging out the sled.
He did, however, give up before he got it all out. We were all wet by that time from being outside for 4+ hours and it was time to go in and watch High School Musical (for the 2nd time of the weekend)
1. Sunday afternoon at the "Cottage"We headed up to Steve's parents about an hour north Sunday after church. We wanted to finally return the family cradle that had been stored in our basement since Aaron was a newborn.

When we got there, Steve's dad had built a bonfire in the backyard. Steve and his Dad tried to help the boys roast marshmallows, but the boys has their own idea of how to do it.

Aaron preferred to just eat marshmallows from the bag

and Noah would rather just spend the time setting fire to the stick

When we were finally frozen to the core, it was time to jump onto Papa's tractor to head in

While Steve and I finally got a chance to roast a few marshmallows for ourselves.
I love that I can count on Noah to take great picturesThe weekend was pretty packed. Saturday night was supposed to be a family movie night, but it ended up being only Steve and the boys. I was supposed to go play the piano at the beginning of a memorial service and then come home and make popcorn for the movie. I got there at 4:30 for the 5:00 service, and I didn't play until 6:45, when the service was STILL not even half over. I missed movie night and bedtime kisses with the kids.
This week looks interesting. We have 100's day ion Tuesday for Noah, his Valentine party on Thursday, and then Noah has his first (I know, slacker-mom) dentist appointment on Friday morning (4 day weekend for mid-winter break). I am sure I will have pictures to share and stories to tell from these.
Now I have to go do a ton of laundry that all smell like CAMPFIRE. UGH!!!
Have a great week.