5. New Haircut

Quite a different look from before I must say. Steve and I are both still getting used to it, but the consensus at church was that it was "sassy", which seems to suit me. If nothing else, it will be a lot less hassle on vacation and I definitely won't be putting it up again any time soon.
4. Children's Museum

A new exhibit opened surrounding the Blue Man Group. My brother and SIL took Steve and me to the Blue Man Group show in Chicago six years ago and it was so much fun. The new exhibit was to learn all about how sound waves are made and can be changed to make sound change. There were also televisions with small snippets of the shows and the boys were fascinated by them. Aaron's favorite were the musical tubes and Noah's favorite was the tube where you could make it longer or shorter to change the pitch of the note. I loved this shot of Steve and Aaron playing the tubes together.
Aaron was a little disappointed that paint didn't squirt out like it does in the show though.
3. Tooth Issues

Thankfully our return to the dentist Saturday morning for Noah to have a filling was quite uneventful. He was in and out in 20 minutes without too much hoopla and even he was surprised that it didn't hurt that much.
Unfortunately, I have a tooth that apparently needs some serious work because I haven't been able to eat anything or close my teeth down all the way in over a week without pain and I haven't quite figured out how a dentist visit can work into our budget.
The last time I was to the dentist was when I was pregnant for Noah and the three botched root canals that left me crying in pain make me even less anxious to figure out a way, which is why I have this problem in the first place. If I would have just gone back and finished the work way back when when we still had insurance, this wouldn't be happening. I am just hoping that the pain doesn't bring down our trip too much and I can endure it for awhile yet before we have to create credit card debt again to fix it.
2. Several trips to the Mall
After sharing with you all on Friday about Noah's pant cutting incident, we did indeed head to the mall for new pants. While we were there, I got increasingly frustrated by two little boys who would not walk for two seconds next to me without bouncing every which way, running their hands along every wall they were anywhere near, and just general messing around.

Now I know this is typical boy behavior, but all that was running through my mind was, "We have spent how much money to take them to a Disney park with thousands of other people and if they don't stay with us, something bad could happen.
So I decided to return to the mall with them on Sunday. This time, it was to be an educational trip where they were going to learn how to walk with me, whether they liked to or not. It was such a good idea. After a few reminders and needing to back track a few times, both boys learned that they are capable of walking nicely next to us and we had a great time, including stopping for a treat of pretzels before coming home.
1.Happy Birthday Singing
Three out of five of our parents' birthdays were this week. Each time, we called the parent and had the boys sing Happy Birthday to them (all three were answering machine messages) but Sunday night when Steve and the boys were singing to my FIL, Noah did something he had never done before. He added perfect harmony on his own. I had them sing it again so I could tape it. If you want to make me a happy momma, take 30 seconds to listen to my 6 year old create harmony.
Honorable Mention: Kitchen Experiments
We have been eating the same meals every weekend as well as during the week so I decided to try some others this weekend. My sister let me borrow a cook book that she got from the state day care food program and I tried two recipes from it...meatloaf and chicken enchiladas. I'm not sure if I'll make either one again but it was nice trying a variety this weekend. The boys are getting better at accepting that they need to try new things once in awhile.
I'm not sure what this week holds. I can't believe that this week is Ash Wednesday already. I hope it gets a little warmer outside so I can get Aaron out for awhile.
Happy Monday. Let me know if you posted your weekend.
I like your new haircut - it's really cute! And I'm glad that Noah's appointment was uneventful on Saturday. Way to go on the mall trips and the cooking! We desperately need groceries, but I haven't been up to going. Will have to tomorrow though, or we'll be down to eating sandwiches for every meal (Ron did pick up milk and bread, lol).
Here's my weekend post! http://www.momof3girls.net/?p=2862
I did post about my weekend...nothing too eventful. I am so glad that all went well for Noah on Saturday. And that you taught them to walk beside you in your mall before Disneyworld. YAY!!!
Noah's singing is impressive & it's only 18 seconds. See you have 12 seconds more to spare than you originally thought...lol.
You always have great ideas, Kristi. The mall 'educational' walk is a wonderful one, indeed.
OH, and you go with your SASSY self...you crack me up.
xoxo, Veronica in CA
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