This morning on the way home from dropping Noah off at school, Aaron begged to play with his moon sand.
The boys got moon sand for Christmas several years ago. It is VERY fun to play with. But also makes a VERY BIG mess. So in general, they have played with it very rarely.
But because it was still cold and rainy, and I was getting a little tired of playing Memory ad nauseum, I decided to let him try.
I set the play mat on the floor. After about three minutes, he was begging for a broom and dustpan to clean up the mess. That's when I got an idea.
Last summer, I had gotten the boys a sand/water table to play with. I wondered if it is outside or in the garage. It would contain the moon sand a lot better than anything else, and we have a huge kitchen.

So I went outside to look and of course, our flooded garage (it's at the end of a slope and always happens when it rains) was it's present location.
I brought it inside and started attacking it with paper towels. After about ten of them, it was clear this wasn't going to work.
So next, I sprayed it with household cleaner and Aaron and I started wiping it with rags. It was clear this wasn't working either.
So I made a somewhat radical decision.

It took a few tries to find an angle that would fit in the tub, and Aaron was fascinated by the strange things mommy was doing.
I started by pouring dish detergent all over it and then washing it with dish rags.

At least it's easy to sweep up.

The nice thing about moon sand is that it never dries up. I can put it in a container and store it for next time without it going bad, unlike play dough.
I love the idea of leaving the table inside though. I may buy some other things like rice to put in it periodically. I wish I had thought of this early in the winter, but we still have another couple of months of cool weather.
Not much of an exciting weekend ahead. Noah had an okay week at school, so we'll probably get him a movie for tonight. We have a birthday party for my nephew on Sunday, but other than that, no plans. It may be tough to come up with a top five on Monday. But you know I'll do it :)
Have a great weekend.
You are so smart Kristi! WOW
and I love how you got everyone involved with the project!
Super --- can I be your pretend child?
Oh, what a great way to deal with the moon sand!
We haven't even made it to the mall lately - thinking about taking the girls this afternoon though.
Do you want to go out tonight? :)
We got Aidan a sand box a couple of years ago, but the cats seemed to think it was their outdoor litter box so we decided to chuck it.
What a GREAT idea!!! I love the bath you gave it too :-) I did not buy my kids moon sand for Christmas because of the mess LOL I would have though if I had thought of the sand table!
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