Can you see the two cats among all of the blanket mess on his bed? This kid is a cat magnet.
I took a closer look and thought this shot was so sweet:

and took another picture.
About ten minutes later, Steve went in for his good night kiss and made me get out of bed to come look. I didn't think it could get any cuter than what I had just taken a picture of..

I was wrong.
He actually put his arm around the cat in his sleep.
I don't know who looks more content...the boy or the cat
Happy WW!
That is so sweet. I love kitties and I love how he has his arm around the kitty.
That's love.
The cuteness factor is way off the scale tonight, Kristi!!
What a doll he is!!
xoxo, Veronica in CA
Awww... very sweet.
That really is tooooo precious!! Happy WW
Very very sweet.
That is SOOO sweet!
OMG...remember the fat cat from my blog? He sleeps in the exact same place on my head! Cats are so funny:D
Awwww that is so sweet!!!
How sweet. Noah is so cute when he sleeps (when he's awake too, but they are always more "peaceful" when they sleep, right?)
That is so cute!!!
Awwww...thats so sweet and cozy looking! That's cool that the kitty's like him so much..often they run from little boys. My son didn't get to enjoy the kitties like that until he got a little older..he was too spazzy around them and freaked them out.
here's my WW: Same Hotel...All Grown UP
That last picture is too cute!
I wanted to let you know that you've been tagged on my blog.
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