Gotta love naked Noah pictures!
Noah sharing a bath with Baby Brother Aaron
Cousin Odin, Cousin Kira, Noah, and Aaron
I would venture a bet that every parent reading this has a ton of pictures of your children's first baths, as we do also.
I know when I put my first baby (Noah) in the bath tub, I was a nervous wreck. I was so scared of his little wiggly body wriggling away from me. I was worried about he soap getting into his eyes, and later worried about his sensitive skin.
Bath time was the one time we could count on a fussy baby becoming calm and happy and it STILL works like a charm now that my "babies" are 4 and 6 years old.
I remember a HUGE gift basket I received from my brother and sister-in-law about a month before Noah was born. It was FILLED to the brim with every bath and health care products made for babies.
Among the goodies was an entire line of Johnson's products, including lavender bubble bath, baby wash, the pink bottle of baby lotion, baby oil (which came in very handy for cradle cap), baby powder, baby shampoo, and SO MUCH MORE. I remember actually opening up the baby lotion and sniffing it, to get ready for the "baby smell" that is so dear to every mom's heart.

When I started preparing my information for this post, I went to the Johnson's website to explore a little. It was kind of funny because there were so many MORE products of Johnson's that I have used or still currently use that I hadn't even remember or realized. The two that we still currently use are the foaming hand soap and the easy grip bars. I am embarrassed to say that I struggle with getting the kids to wash their hands after they use the bathroom, and these two products have made that challenge a little easier.
The site had so much more than I would have thought and me post writing got delayed because I was having fun maneuvering around the site.

They have even created a wonderful site through You Tube for parents. I wish I had seen a site like this when I was a newer parent. There's even a chance to post your own video on the site to share your ideas with baby care with other moms.
I received samples of two new products to review. Johnson's baby bubble bath and wash and Johnson's head to toe foaming wash. Included below is a fact sheet link to each product if you are interested in learning further details about either of the products.
As I mentioned above, my "babies" are older now, but I was grateful to try both of these products because since both of my boys have extremely sensitive skin, "baby" products are much more gentle for them.
Happy 50th Anniversary, Johnson's.
1 comment:
Oh I remember my wiggly, slippery babies' first baths so well, and that scary feeling of trying to keep a hold of them. Now I'm just happy that the girls are getting big enough to do baths mostly by themselves - except for hair washing. I'll be washing their hair for years to come, I'm sure. :)
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