Pretty good weekend. I am finding myself more and more scatter brained and short tempered than I was. I think it is time to break down and get to the doctor. Now I just have to figure out when I can do so without kiddies tagging along...yuck!
Here are my top five for the weekend:
5. Student Recital
I have a much smaller piano student load than I used to, thanks to Michigan's wonderful economy. But I still had enough to hold my annual recital on Saturday. Unfortunately, three of my students never made it, but it was still a pretty nice little event. My wonderful hubby, Steve, was gracious enough to play "hostess" for me, greeting people as they came in and setting out the snacks for the reception afterward while the recital was going on.
4. Beginning of a big tackle
It is going to take awhile before I can present a finished product on this one. During the reception after my recital, I started to talking to quite a few parents who are interested in morning lessons in my home this summer, so I have A LOT of work to do get my entry way and basement presentable for the public. I got restless when we got home from church and searched my basement for left over paint. I found some and went to work, only to discover that it had solidified on the bottom after I have gotten half of one wall done. So now I will have to go purchase more to finish it off and redo the sections I already did.
Noah was VERY sad that I didn't let him help paint. I guess I have to figure out a way for him to help me when I start up again. I only have three weeks to get this done.
BTW: If you want to help me be able to get new paint for my yucky house, PLEASE go to this site and vote for me as the stinkiest room contest. When you vote for me, you can be entered into a drawing for free paint for yourself.3. Sunday Church: 3 out
of 4 partsSince Steve was gone singing all afternoon, evening and into the wee hours of Sunday morning, he was very tired and wasn't in any shape to go to church Sunday morning. So I packed the boys up and headed out to double duty alone.
The first service we were scheduled to sing but there weren't enough ladies so I ended up singing soprano (I am normally an alto). For the second service, I resumed my alto part for the anthem, and then since a certain unnamed tenor (STEVE) wasn't in church, the tenors needed help and the directors asked me to step in as a tenor. Very strange singing that low but it was definitely a good move...I didn't realize how lost they are when Steve isn't there to guide them. It was the first time ever that I sang three different parts in one Sunday...and it was kind of fun.
2. Sunday Afternoon Fre
quent Plan ChangesWhat started out as a trip to the little church carnival by our house, changed into a trip to the zoo.
Kind of strange, but so are we.
After taking a quick walk through, we realized that there was no way we were going to pay the kind of money they wanted to ride these rides so we settled on letting the boys play a few games and then headed over to the park. After about ten minutes, we realized we needed to extend our outside activities for the afternoon, and asked the boys if they wanted to head to the zoo.

The zoo membership we got for Christmas has paid for itself tenfold by now, and it was fun to sit above and watch the monkey in the new exhibit that opened this weekend.
Of course, the boys' favorite part...when the monkeys peed from the high ropes. It was easily the highlight of the day for little boys ages six and four.
1. A Man And A Saw

After getting home from the zoo, it was still beautiful outside so we started playing in the backyard. I, for one, am unable to sit in the backyard without wanting to perform yard work. It is by far my favorite chore and I have been so frustrated that I can't afford to get what we need this spring, so I have been doing my best making any improvements that I can.
One of the things that has bothered me since we moved the little cherry to the backyard is this big useless tree that hangs over everything. Each year it bugs me, but now that I have put down some new grass seed and planted a new tree, I REALLY want it gone.
After attempting to cut back the branches with neighbor's clippers, Steve broke out the saw and started slicing. I was so excited to see how much he got rid of. After asking him to put the wheelbarrow and fire pit in the garage, the backyard looks much better.
Now if I can just find the stupid dog that keeps slipping into our backyard and pooping in the same place over and over again, I would be happy. It's making me really angry.
The Week Ahead:Noah's last full week of school, two baseball games, figuring out a time for Noah to celebrate his July birthday in school, and the biggie, getting a doctor appointment for me. I will also be doing some research on the best way to get a handrail installed on our stairs leading to the basement, and it would be good for us to find Steve's phone which he lost on Saturday and has been panicked about ever since.
Let me know below of you posted about your weekend.
Have a great Monday.