It seems as if I am not able to get on here as much as I'd like. The year is now 1/12 of the way over and it seems like I am so overwhelmed already.
January has been pretty tumultuous.
The whole car ordeal swallowed up the first week of the month. But at least I am finally allowing myself to love my new car. I do smile as I walk out to it each day, as conceited as it is.

uary has been interesting at work as well. I am very frustrated at the moment. February will mark one year since I was hired and I have to remember that even when I am frustrated, it is a good place for me to be and I need to accept whatever challenge is handed to me and keep doing my best. At least my window painting for this month turned out cute. I do like trying to develop my lack of artistic ability on the front window of Gymboree.
Noah is having a good month. Bask

etball has taken over our lives a little. He has a practice every Wednesday night and games every Saturday. Upward Basketball just may be the BEST sports program out there for kids. While learning the basics of the game, they are also being taught spirituality along the way. Each game begins with a prayer and each half time is spent doing a devotional on the court. It is just such a cool program. Noah is learning, paying attention, staying active, and ENJOYING IT. No, he is not a good player, but the cool thing is that it doesn't bother him, nor does he get treated unkindly by the other kids because of his lack of skill. They get stars at the end of each game to sew on their shirt sleeve to encourage...the color depending on each child's strength that game. It is an amazing program and the best extracurricular in which we have participated in thus far.
Oh, and he also brought home another report card filled with straight A's...yay!
Aaron is having

a great month too. He has been meeting with the speech pathologist twice a week and loves her and I am already seeing a huge difference in his speech. His handwriting is getting better by the week and his math has improved so much that I actually don't even have to check his homework at night other than making sure it is done. I can't believe that he has succeeded so well in second grade.
This month was also the boys' firs

t attempt at snowboarding. While they are still working at it, they are having fun and I find that they are going so fast down those hills that I can't even get a great picture :)
Steve and I are working through some things together between us but it will continue to grow. I am a hormonal mess that I hope will get taken care of soon and Steve is struggling with some demons of his own that need to be battled. But we'll make it through...we always do.
So that's January. On to February and its new challenges to overcome...
1 comment:
Lots of good news :) Hope your new car serves you well!
Hormonal mess? I have no idea what you're talking about, LOL. Yep, me, too. Feels like I'm going crazy at times. Happy and functioning one minute, then later completely out of it and depressed.
Wishing you and your hubby much love and joy.
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