5. Ouch
Friday afternoon about fifteen minutes before I got to school to pick up the boys my phone rang. It was Aaron's teacher wanting to know if I was in the parking lot yet and could I come in. Aaron had cut his finger with scissors during Buddy Time and she wanted me to see the cut. If it had been anywhere on his finger other than where it was, we would have been heading to the med center for stitches. But it was right in the crease of his finger. It was deep and bled a ton, but really nothing could be done. If he bent his finger, it would eventually stop bleeding but when he straightened it, it would start again. So we spent the entire evening on finger duty watching for blood and covering it. After awhile, I decided that it was never going to dry up if we kept covering it and by Saturday we were leaving the band aid off. It broke open a few more times over the weekend but this morning when Mrs. T asked him about it, he proudly showed his finger, ready for action. I really hope that is the extent of injuries for this year.
4. ArtPrize
This is the biggy. I will be pos

3. The Last Playdate
Our neighbors wh

2. Clearing Out the Junk
While the neighbors were packing, I noticed a pick up truck in their driveway advertising the free haul away of anything with metal on it. I mentioned it to Steve and he wondered if they had space in the truck for some of our stuff. We have had a broken dishwasher in our garage for well over a year now, taking up space so he went over and asked if they would take it. They chucked it clear on top of all of the neighbors' stuff. Then, they said, "Hey, if you're ever looking to get rid of a washer or dryer, let us know." We cracked up and then said, "Well, actually...." My parents got us an early Christmas present a few weeks ago and got us a used washer and dryer from some friends. Our washer had been broken for a very long time and it was taking a toll on our pocketbook (laundromat) and my health (my back from the non spun clothes). So a few weeks ago Steve and I went and picked up the new appliances and brought them into the basement. Meanwhile, we gave up before trying to move the old washer back up the stairs and it has been laying sideways on our basement floor for weeks. When we told them, they gladly came back a few hours later, brought it up themselves and took it away. They also took an old gas grill that someone gave to us that needed repairs that would have cost more than a new grill, and also a fan that Aaron broke. There is a huge satisfaction when I am cleaning and more and more old junk gets out of the house. I also packed up four bags of clothing to give away. No more saving for garage sales. I just want it out of my house.
1. Homework
When Noah

So, it was a weekend full of getting stuff done. I have so much more to share about ArtPrize but I wanted to wait until I go again today, and probably at least once more. There is one venue outside of Grand Rapids that I am going to stop by after my rehearsal tonight since it is on the way home.
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