We have spent so many weekends lately at home telling the boys..."No we can't go anywhere this week" that it feels nice that we have a weekend full of activities. I guess it would have been nice for some of them to spread among more than one weekend, but there will definitely be no time to sit around wondering what to do.
Tonight we have "der

Then, tomorrow morning, Aaron's race is at 9AM and Noah's is at 11. I have to admit that if either boy actually wins their race it will completely mess up our entire day since the finals aren't until 1 PM. I don't think we have to worry about it though :) I let the boys pick out whatever they wanted to decorate their cars with at Michael's yesterday and they picked "jewels" so now we no longer have derby cars, we have ones that are BEDAZZLED.
Last week I won tickets on a FB contest to the Home and Garden Show. So we are going to try to do that tomorrow afternoon. I would be more excited if I was motivated to do any home improvements. But right now, facing foreclosure (Stupid Fannie Mae), it seems silly to fix up the house if the bank is going to turn around and sell it for less than half what we owe on it anyway. But the Home show is still fun to go to and walk around.
Then, the group of us that are sing

Then on Sunday, we will visit my parents whom have been down south for several weeks. I wish they had brought warm weather home with them, but alas, we'll just have to wait for that. Then we will be heading to my sister's for my nephew's birthday party.
By Monday morning, we will all be exhausted but we will hopefully have made a memory or two of family time. Also next week, I will be working at my new job. I am teaching music classes at Gymboree Play and Music. After I get trained on those, I will also be cross training for all of their other classes as well. It is exciting but I am getting nervous too. The girl who has been teaching these classes for the last seven years is very good and the families love her. I don't know how I can possible fill her shoes. I know it's going to take some time for the families to adjust to a new person. I just hope they all have patience with me as we go through the process.
Have a great weekend!
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