The boys were pleased with their new "buddies" and Noah was excited to take his to school with him.
Noah even came up with a creative way to carry his new friend to school while still leaving his hands free for his backpack :)
As I headed up to school with treats for the boys' parties, I had a strange thought. As I had spent the day waiting (and still am waiting at this moment) for the email that was promised whether I got the job I interviewed for last week or not, I wondered at a funny thought. I was actually hoping that this will be the last class party I will be attending. NOT because I no longer want to be involved in my kids' school activities. Quite the contrary. But if I no longer attend class parties, then the reason would be because I was employed, which is the much desired position for me to be in at the moment. So as I was taking pictures, I was praying and praying and praying some more that these would be the last class parties that I would attend for quite a long time. Pretty strange, huh?
Both parties were the typical Valentines parties., complete with little cards, lots of candy and treats. In December for Aaron's Christmas party, I had brought cut up cheese and crackers rather than sweets and they had been so popular that Mrs. T asked me to bring them again. As I was setting them out, one of the kids called me the "cheese mom". I giggled at that.
For Noah's party, I helped prepare frosting for their cookies. I had ordered a carnation from the PTO for each of the boys to be delivered during lunch that day. Aaron had already lost his by the time I got there at 2:oo, but Noah was guarding his and was happy to tell me how excited he was when his name go called and he got a flower. His class was happy because their teacher brought in her seven month old son.
As the parties started winding down, I collected my boys, the two girls I drive home from school, and an additional girl, the one whom Noah has called his "girlfriend" since kindergarten. The car ride was VERY loud, with five sugar hyped kids. Actually, the noise mostly stemmed from the two third grade girls and Aaron. Noah actually asked them to quiet down at one point, which cracked me up.
Aaron was definitely higher than a kite the rest of the afternoon, and I was actually happy to head out the door to teach for the evening, followed by rehearsal, leaving Daddy to put the kid to bed.
No Valentines exchanged between me and my honey. We have never spent money on cards for each other. A quick hug and brief kiss did the trick.
1 comment:
Very well written.
A great experience and yes, it sure was too good not to share. Great Photos.
Have you ever felt grateful to your teachers. Well, if you haven't, I sure have.
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