Friday, June 18, 2010


So after some MAJOR venting here on the old blog yesterday, I received many comments both on the blog and in email that reassured me that I can actually get through this. It was helpful to know that the chihuahua in Lily is going to make this difficult, and it's not my fault if it takes awhile.

It was just an all around grumpy day. Really bad!

But it seems that we all woke up on a better side of the bed this morning. When the Number Two came out in the wrong location this morning, it didn't send me into a major whirl of fits like it did yesterday. When Noah woke up, he woke up with a hug and smile, and offers to watch the dog. Complete opposite of yesterday's attitude. When Aaron fell over one of the numerous the gates (aka tables) blockading EVERY door or entry way in the house, he whimpered a little, rather than the full fledged crying and screaming fits that he threw all day yesterday.

So yes, today looks like a better day. That's the one thing about using a blog for a digital diary. Sometimes one's best side doesn't always shine through.

But Honesty certainly does.

We took Lily for her first public outing last night. The library has a little "carnival" to kick of it's reading program each year. I took the boys and we decided that it was a perfect chance for Lily to get exposed to a ton of people and lots of little hands wanting to touch her. She may as well get used to it now. She did really well. A couple of barks at other dogs and one at a little girl that startled her when she was falling asleep. But all in all, a good first outing. She even got to go on her first horse drawn carriage ride.

We're supposed to get storms today. It will be interesting to see how she handles those.

On a positive note, guess who stayed quiet the ENTIRE NIGHT last night? Yup, not a single whimper from the moment we put her in her crate at 10:30 PM to when I took her outside this morning at 7 AM. Taking my successes where they come and reminding myself to take the failures with a grain of salt.

1 comment:

bethn said...

I'm glad today is starting out better. Lily's quite a cutie. Good luck!