This weekend marked the end of a VERY long three weeks for me. Between a large number of extra commitments, I had missed bedtimes for three weeks and really felt like I have just been out of touch with everything. I am so happy to be back into reality again.
5. Four Eyes
On Friday after I dr

I really hope everyone is nice to him and no one makes fun of him. And I have bets going as to how long until this first pair breaks :(
4. Solo Ensemble
One of the many things that was eating up a TON of my time in the evenings was preparing for solo ensemble. I accompanied five kids this year which meant I had to fit in ten extra half hour practices as well as give up a huge portion of my Saturday for their performances. Steve took the boys to Playworld (a glorified McDonald's play area) while I was gone and all five of my kids got a I rating (the best) so it was worth all of the work.
3. Monteverdi's Vespers
As you all know, when I le

Photo courtesy of Grand Raids Press
2. Back Pain
I know everyone experi

For Saturday's performance, I called Deb, knowing that they probably still had some "heavier" meds left over from numerous issues they have had, and she had some Darvocet and 800 mg IB, which did the trick nicely to get through Saturday night's performance. I am still hurting, but not as bad and I think I will just be nursing it as much as I can this week. Another reason why I am not going to tonight's chorus rehearsal.
1. Parent's Visit
Not a huge deal, but Sunday after church we went up to visit with my parents for a few hours. They had been gone for awhile and we had been busy before that so we hadn't seen them since Christmas, even though we only live 45 minutes away. I am ashamed that it's been that long and I don't plan to make it that long again. We are going to try to get up there somewhat regularly on Sundays to avoid that big span again. It was nice to spend some time with my step brother, his wife and their young baby and actually visit with them. Usually we have so many people there that we don't have much of a chance to talk. And Aaron loved playing with Baby Lucy, his newest cousin.
The Week Ahead:
I delayed my church post last week, mostly because between the craziness and my back pain, sitting at the computer was challenging. I think it's done and ready for posting this week. It's TV Turn off week which means that I can't be on the computer whenever Noah is awake or at home, which is good for me. As a matter of fact, as soon as I finish this, I am going to to get off and take advantage of TV Turnoff week to reduce my computer usage as well. Aaron is trying to get sick again, silly kid, which could make for an interesting week as well. And I have lots of cleaning to make up for my three weeks of not getting much done around the house. Probably in short spurts between giving my back a rest though.
Have a great week.
I'm glad everything went well. It's hard to do a concert when you're in pain. Usually mine is in my right wrist which I use to hold up my oboe. Thank heavens for good pain meds.
Noah looks very handsome in his glasses.
I have worn glasses since I was 7 and probably needed them much sooner. I was afraid the kids would laugh at me (we moved a lot - I was always the new kid) so I would take them off as soon as I got out of site of our house on my walk to school. And I wouldn't wear them until I got back to our driveway. Then one day my teacher told my folks that she thought I needed glasses in order to see the board in school. Oops! Busted.
I remember when I got contacts when I was 14. For the first time I could actually see blades of grass instead of a generic green plane of grass. And had peripheral vision that was clear. So cool! Go Noah!
I like the glasses,my Jessica has glasses and I really like how they look on her face! -- She has been super good with the glasses, I am so proud!
Being at a concert with pain, wow you are a trooper!
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