Two years later, I have a second grader doing quite well in school with the help of a lot of changes we made and some wonderful teachers (not to mention mommy getting on hormones that same kindergarten year) and a very cheerful kindergartner (actually young fiver) who loves school, life, and his family.
I also have a completely different blog too. After telling the whole world, including my in-laws and church people, about my blogging life, I immediately saw the perils of the whole world knowing about everything you think...it backfires...BIG TIME!
So after a lot of soul searching, I began again with a new blog with a new title and new address. I was a little more discretionary about letting word get out. And it has paid off. I was able to share my feelings about leaving a church that we had called home for ten years. I was able to share some a little of my parenting frustrations, although I am not nearly as open about these as I was before. I have tried to become not only more discerning about the types of stories I tell about my children, and have also tried harder to respect my other family members whom I do share about in my words and pictures.
I have lately become more lax in my commenting on other blogs, which has caused my comment numbers to drop. I chock that up to more to get done now with two boys in school. I am working more and trying to keep up better with all of my other responsibilities. It doesn't mean I turned my back on those whom I have come to know through the blogging world. There are some amazing women who I have come to feel like I know so well, just from reading them and from their emails to me. I would not have met them any other way.
I have had periods of time where I just didn't feel like writing anything. But I never stopped completely. I still love to tell a story. And I just really like to write. As I sat yesterday reading the old blog, and then the new one, from the beginning, I had so much fun reading stories that I had forgotten about. It made me so happy that I had chronicled these events.
While watching the movie Julie and Julia last weekend, it reiterated the fact that blogging really is a self centered hobby. But isn't any hobby that you put your everything into? Isn't that what a hobby is? Something to help you release your stress with some "me time"? And after reading my posts, I am so glad to have that record.
My own personal digital diary, complete with pictures.
So Happy 2nd Blogiversary to me. If you have followed me from the beginning, thank you. If you have found me recently, thank you also. I can't wait to see what kind of stories 2010 will create.
Only time will tell :)
Happy Blogiversary, Kristi!!!
Happy blogiversary - I can't believe it's been 2 years! I'm so glad to be able to read your stories, see your photos and share in your life both in person and online. :)
Very proud
you made it to two years!
Congrats... I can't wait to continue along this blog journey with you and yours!
Wow! Congrats on 2 years. I just accomplished my 75th post....kind of puts things into perspective..lol.
Happy New Year!
Glad you've kept at it Kristi - I enjoy spending time with the pieces of yourself and your family that you share. You are a great mom and a determined lady. Happy to know you in the blogosphere.
I could've written this post word for word...including the comment thing. I am going to message you later cuz I just found another similarity & never knew....you are going to help me more than you ever wanted to...so glad I found your blog(s)
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