So we planned to go see all of the art on Sunday this week, but it was so cold and windy that we spent pretty much the entire weekend in the house. I did take Noah to pick out a Halloween costume and I'll be taking Aaron this morning, as soon as I get my booty off the computer and get downstairs to exercise.

So since I had my nice new table, since we had the cookie cutters, since we had absolutely NOTHING to do for the day, we went for It.

While the cookies were baking, Steve took the boys downstairs for good old fashioned rough housing (boys will be boys) and when I called them back up to decorate, both boys were happily displaying bare skin chests. Which actually served well for getting frosting all over anyway.

This is just the beginning though. Usually he gets out of decorating the Christmas tree with us. Not this year. I am insisting on a real tree this year, as well as full family participation in the decorating process. It should make for a fun post in a couple of months.
This weekend also had another bell performance that went well and I managed to secure a babysitter for Black Friday, which also makes me very happy. There are a couple things on the kids' lists that I will need big sales to be able to afford. I also made the decision to let Aaron have a Chuck E Cheese birthday party in a few weeks.
I have to apologize for the lack of posts lately. I have been trying to stick with my rule about only posting if I have something interesting to say. But I am also finding that I am missing sharing my thoughts in witting. It seems that with exercising in the morning, and then getting ready for the day, by the time I have a chance to sit down at the computer after dropping Aaron off for school, I look around the house and find twenty other things that need to be done. This week I also have some work to get done to get the house ready for an extended family visit next weekend. I also am volunteering in Aaron's kindergarten class on Tuesdays now and I will be driving for a field trip for Noah this week.
Tomorrow I will share with you an experiment I tried yesterday morning before church. It worked but I'm not sure that it can last. I'll leave you in suspense...
Have a good Monday.
funny...we also end up doing the fun stuff, carving pumpkins, tree decorating, etc while Brandon is at work as well. I'm going to make a point to include him this year in all that fun stuff too! Great post....you're going to be a great MIN to their wives.
mmmmmmmmmmm... tasty and fun.
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