He has asked for his own toolbox full of tools for Christmas, which we are going to oblige. But I am a little worried about making sure he has appropriate things to build. I thought this was a fine start. His dreams are so big and I want to give him the chance to play them out to the best of his ability.
Notice the swim goggles? He couldn't find his construction ones and felt like he NEEDED them for his work. Of course, they never actually covered his eyes. About a half hour after this picture, the structure was quite impressive, with wood all the way around and he had even gotten the paint from inside to paint it.
Unfortunately, Hurricane Aaron came through a little while later and destroyed the whole thing. Little Brother is having some issues about being included in Big Brother's endeavors. We'll keep working on it.
Aaron has blossom

I was so proud of his penmanship that I had to photograph it.
My little boys are growing up
I was wondering about that movie, cloudy with a chance of meatballs-- was it good ? did it have a good message?
(by the way I change my backgrounds by finding a new one at pzamm or another free site, just google free blogger backgrounds...)
My kids seem to be settling into the swing of school well also!
they grow up too fast...where are you in blog world? Miss your posts!
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