Weekend top Five participation seems to be down. I finally figured out how to get Mr. Linky going again. Please sign below if you post about your weekend.
Here's my Top Five:
5. Harry PotterI managed to make my friend's husband angry this weekend. On purpose you may ask? Well, not ENTIRELY.

I had to go grocery shopping Friday night and I invited
Deb to come with me. They were also have in $1 root beer floats at our local Culver's and they're my favorite dessert of all time. While we were eating our desserts, we remembered that we needed to take my frozen groceries home. As we were driving home, I mentioned casually, "Hey, since we're out anyway, let's go see 'Harry Potter' " We kind of laughed it off, but then while I was unloading the groceries, I mentioned it a little more seriously, and sure enough, after a unpleasant call to Deb's husband, we were headed out.
Now, I am usually in bed at the time when the movie started (10:30), but I am still glad we went. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, I wont spoil it too much. But of all six, it may go down as one of my favorites. I found myself giggling more during this one, even though it was sadder than any of the previous ones. I had re-read the book a few days earlier, and I was glad I had.
4. Cinderella-itis
Please don't read this and think of me being a COMPLETE slob. We have a pretty yucky kitchen floor that doesn't come clean, even when I mop it. In addition, there were quite a few big spots where paint had dripped last fall when I painted that I could never get to come up.
I have been feeling mighty restless about my house lately (as you can tell from all the painting I've been doing) so Saturday morning while the kids were playing I'd had enough if the floor.

I took extremes and got the Comet powder cleaner and started out cleaning each individual 3 inch square of the floor. After 90 minutes, only HALF of the floor was clean, and it made me realize just how badly it had needed it.

I managed to get rid of ALL of the green paint splotches, and even some of the floor varnish that spilled back when we first moved into the house. The worst part is how paranoid I am about dirt dropping on the floor now. I am wondering if now that I did a deep cleaning, if the regular weekly mopping will make a better difference.
Once can only hope.
3. Children's MuseumI know this is on my list a lot of weekends, but this weekend actually had a bit of a variety.
As I briefly mentioned last week, we are really struggling with Aaron's behavior. He seems to be really happy or really nasty, with no in between. The NASTY seems to be around more often than not. While we were in Wisconsin a few weeks ago, I ended up having to take him to the car while Noah and our friends spent more time at the zoo.
So this Saturday at the museum, his nastiness came around again. After several time outs, he still insisted on screaming at me, calling me nasty names, and all around horrid behavior and I had had enough. So we headed out and sat in the car for an hour and a half while Steve and Noah enjoyed the museum.
But that NOT where the story ends.I found a parking spot right in front of the museum and my friend Deb, who was there with her kids as well, called me on the phone so we could visit while the rest of the kids were playing.

Hubby decided to entertain me while I was stuck in the car. It was a riot!! He grabbed several puppets from the farm exhibit that is there, and proceeded to perform fun little puppet shows for me through the window, while Deb and I were continuing our conversation as well.
I don't know what we are going to do about Aaron at the moment, but I think there are going to be quite a few more experiences that Aaron and I are going to miss until we get this under wraps.
At least now that my hormones are finally starting to even out, I am better equipped to deal with them and I am handling the outbursts MUCH more positively than I have been for the last few weeks.2. Saturday Night Camp OutHubby is an Eagle Scout and grew up camping every weekend with his family. I, on the other hand, have NEVER been camping in my life (other than music camp in cabins when I was young).

Steve has been itching to go camping since we first met fifteen years ago, and is now determined to get the kids to like it.
So he borrowed a neighbor's tent and pitched it in the backyard. The boys had more fun playing in it all day on Saturday.

Then Noah begged to sleep in it that night. Saturday was an unusually cool day for the middle of July, but I decided that if Steve was willing to sleep out there with him, it was okay. So Steve set up beds for him and Noah and then brought out a little TV to watch a movie. (Yeah, REAL camping ). I predicted that they would be inside by 11:00. By quarter after 11, I decided that they may actually make it through the night and I headed to bed.
In all actuality, they made it until around 4 AM when I heard noises. Noah went straight to his bed and bundled up since he was so cold.
BUT, Steve was unable to head to bed.Guess why?
Little Brother Aaron who was not allowed to sleep outside wanted a sleepover with Mommy.
Poor Steve! There was no room left in the bed for him and he spent the remainder of the night ON THE COUCH.
1. VBS PreparationThis will be my 9th year preparing the music for our church's VBS program. (It would be my 10th, but I sat out the year that Noah was born since it was only two weeks after). Three years ago, I revamped the program and decided to make youth lead the music, with me in the back leading them. I think kids enjoy following other kids better, and it gives another level of energy to the music worship time.
For the last few years, I have "made" all of the leaders shirts, which included printing, cutting out, and ironing logos on up to 30 shirts. This year, the kids decided they wanted to tie dye instead.

So after church on Sunday, we headed outside to dye the shirts. As luck would have, it started to RAIN, increasingly intensely, as the activity went on, but the kids still had fun.They each wrapped their shirt individually in a grocery bag and I brought them home to rinse and dry Sunday night.

After taking off all of the rubber bands and throwing in them into the washer, I can see the way they turned out. I think they are going to look great. At least better than my hands do after three washings :(
I will be doing more tomorrow, and probably a few more each day with the kids who come for the first time and by Thursday they should all have them.
The Week Ahead:VBS, VBS, VBS! Pretty much it.