1. Not living out a a suitcase
2. Sleeping in my own bed
3. Getting Noah back into a good pattern at school...he had a bad day all 5 days last week
4. Final Cherub Choir rehearsal and performance for the year
5. Getting my piano students ready for the recital in May
6. Bell rehearsals to prepare for two public performances
7. Figuring out SOMETHING to do about Aaron for school next year
8. Raking and starting spring yard work (Yup, I actually LIKE it)
9. Spring Break, even though we will not go anywhere
10. Easter
11. Watching Noah play tee-ball
12. Garage Sale in May
13. Summer Vacation and three months of NOT worrying about the boys and school
I hope you are all hvaing a great week. Happy T13!
I hope you guys are having a great trip & make it back safe & sound.
I know what you mean about the let down. But it is good that you have so much to look forward to. :o)
I found out exactly what our district is doing about Y5's next year - they're not getting rid of the designation or the idea, just a separate classroom. It's going to be more like a looping concept and a multi-age classroom combined...
Tell Steve that his show is recording! :)
You can come over and clean up our yard any time your heart desires! I think it is funny that as you come back from vacation you list 2 other vacations (time off) as things you look forward to :0)
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