In a bunch of kids, how will you Noah?
Oh, I think you'll know...

Could it possible be the only kid with his hand up in the air waving like a king?
He was fun to watch because he seemed to be having a good time...

Speaking his line to a verse into the microphone

Nice wide mouth singing "Gloria" in Angels We Have Heard On High

Playing Nutcracker on bells with this year's BFF

Proud thumbs up when the bells are done

Singing on the side of the stage while the third graders performed a VERY AMUSING dance
This extremely biased Momma thinks her 6 year old may be the most handsome first grader on the planet.
For a kid who doesn't like singing because "it's not cool", I was very proud of him.
I hope your weekend is off to great start.

You may be biased, but you are also right on the money. He is GORGEOUS!!!
What a fun time you all must have had!
Veronica in CA
He looks like a complete performer. Such fun.
A question for you since I'm planning on posting some photos from Zoe's holiday show. Do you worry about posting photos of other kids? I'm anxious about posting the concert photos because none of them are just Zoe.
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