5. Christmas Eve 5:00 Service
My parents were supposed to come but with the weather looking iffy, I called them earlier in the day and suggested that maybe it would not be such a good idea.
There were three momentous events surrounding this service
A. Our family lit the advent candles for the service, which included Noah doing a reading and even Aaron speaking "Hope, Faith, Joy, Love" into the microphone. I was so proud of both of them.
B. While all of the kids of the church were up front looking at Baby Jesus during "Silent Night" the front candle stick toppled forward toward the crown on stage, shattering on the floor in front of the front pew sending glass everywhere. I stood up on the front step blocking kids from walking down while about five other parents crawled around on the floor picking up glass, while the singing continued on. At the end of the service, our pastor stood up and said "No one can say that we didn't bring down the house at our Christmas Eve Service!"
C. The service ran long and we were starving and ended up at at Friday's for dinner.
4. Christmas Eve at home
We got home somewhat late, but still had time for

We had made reindeer food, but it was so bitter cold out, we decided that the reindeer would be okay this year.
3. Presents
We got started opening around 8:00 with stocking stuff, stopped for a breakfast casserole that Noah complained EXTREMELY vocally about, and then finished up around11:00. The favorites of the day were:

Steve got me some pajamas and slippers too.
2. Ah--Choo!!!
Somehow, everyone in our house has caught some sort of allergy and was sneezing, sniffling ALL DAY. We ran out of tissue buy mid morning and by the end, all of our noses were red and raw. It woke us all up early, and made for rough sleeping on the night before Christmas.

I am praying that we all feel better tomorrow, but for sure we will be making a trip to the store to buy some tissue with lotion in it.
1. The PIE
Yup, after posting about never getting any pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, I took things into my own hands and bought my own apple pie to bake and have with ice cream when we got home from looking at Christmas lights.

It was a fun and exhausting Christmas. Does anyone else feel the let down when it's over? I don't as much yet. Maybe because it was a good day, or maybe because I am ready to get our life back to some semblance of "normal".
I can tell you this much though. I have no intention of taking the tree down any time soon. It just may stay up until March.

That pie looks so YUMMY! Wish I could be there to share a slice with you!
I also feel a bit like, 'Aw, it's over' on the 26th and am taking the tree down first thing...I think I might leave it up a little longer because it just looks so pretty this year.
2009 here we come!!!
xoxo, Veronica in CA
I haven't even begun to feel like Christmas is over. Mom and dad just left yesterday so I"m still too busy doing laundry (towels and sheets) to notice what day it is.
It looks like you had a great day!
Hope you are all feeling better! Busy Boy and I also have colds. He is getting better though (day 5) and I am doing much better today than yesterday (day 2 of the cold). Just glad I have the week off of work!
I LOL'd at your pastor's comments. That is too funny! Your son and mine would get along great with their Bakugans!
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