(Note: If you haven't entered my giveaway for FREE laundry detergent yet, click here...you've only got until Wednesday.)
5. Aaron's staples
Yup, as I was on the computer doing bills (not blogging), Aaron came running into the hallway, slipped and I heard a VERY loud bang and saw he had hit his head. Because he doesn't cry when he gets hurt, I just went to him, gave him a hug, and returned to bills. About a minute later, he came in and begged to snuggle. I figured his head probably hurt from that big of a bang so we went and sat for about five minutes on the couch. Then he crawled away and wanted to sit by himself. I figured that meant he was feeling better and went to go grab a shower. He got up too and then I noticed A LOT of red in his hair.

So I took a quick look, saw quite a lot of blood, noticed how VERY wide the gap was , and decided it would be better to get it checked out. So off to the ER we went.
Two and a half hours later, we were on our way home, with four staples in his head. They need to stay in for a week and instead of shopping on Black Friday, we will be in the doctor's office making sure my son's head has grown back together.
The kid never cried or whimpered a single time during the entire ordeal.
His big brother, on the other hand, freaked out and keeps hiding from him.
4. Christmas Decorating

I just noticed how prominent Aaron's stapled head is at the bottom of this picture. You can't really miss the big black blotch, can ya?
3. The Birthday Party That Wasn't
Here is Cousin Odin with Aaron on one side of him and Noah on the other in St. Louis on vacation last April.
2. The Mall to Climb and Visit a Jolly Old Elf

He had a little trouble spelling "Bakugan" and "Transformers"

1. Roller Skate Day at Church
Not really, but I love this reference from my sister to refer to the all music Sunday every year.
In the past years, I have been running around CRAZY for this service. This year, I got out of singing with the ensembles and only had to direct my three groups, as well as sing in one quartet.

Which boys are mine, you ask? Well, that would be the two that are "shout"ing when they are singing that word within the song.
A fun, busy weekend.
It is a little easier starting out this week knowing I only have to deal with the rat race of school for two mornings this week before Thanksgiving break.
I love breaks, don't you?
As always, please leave your link below if you are joining me in the top five weekend event meme. (or you just want to share your weekend post)
Happy Monday.

I am so sorry about Aarons head! It looks like it hurt so much- I cant believe he didnt cry!
Wow, that is quite the gash he's got there!
You had a much more eventful weekend than we did. Ours was pretty much downright boring, in fact. :)
OH no... poor Aaron.. that looks like it would hurt like crazy.. Glad he didn't cry or freak out.. I think all 4 of my kids would have been a major mess had they had that happen to them.. Maybe more of a mess due to the fact that they would need stitches or staples.. but still would have been freaking out.. Poor kid.
I thought about getting our tree up on Saturday but then fell asleep(you can read more about that in my post LOL)
Love the santa letter and photo
Glad sunday went well for you.
Sorry about the birthday party but your right you can do a belated celebration for him..
Glad you had a good weekend.
You are the second blog that I read that their son had to get staples in their head. I believer her son's was on Friday also, might have been Thursday though!
Glad the rest of your weekend went well.
Ouchie!! Ya, those staples do nothing for their appearance. At least my son's hair is dark! He should have them out on Thanksgiving but they are going to have to wait until Monday when we get back from vacation! I hope your little guy is feeling better!
I should have thought to put up our Christmas decorations this weekend too! Drat! Now we will have to wait until the first weekend in Dec. LOL
And wow! Santa gets to MI early! Even with all the decorations and music up in a lot of the malls, our Santa doesn't arrive until the day after T-Day.
Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog! I will definitely be back to read more!
What a busy weekend for you. Never fun when you have an ER trip during your weekend.
Hope Aaron feels better soon.
Oh wow. I'm so sorry about the staples!! Poor boy! But wow, I can't believe he didn't cry out! What a soldier!
I played along for the first time this week - thanks for hosting this, I had fun!
Write From Karen
WOW the poor little guy!!! He must be very tough because my kids cry when they get a splinter.
Aww, big hugs to Aaron!
We've had staples in the back of the head a few times here! The first time was on a Christmas Eve when we should have been getting ready for church! I love the staples, compared to stitches--very quick to get them in and out.
Aaron sure is a tough little guy.
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