Aaron has been in his cu
So as happens EVERY summer end/fall, I got in the mood to paint about a week ago. Aaron's room and the living room are on tap. Because we have been in limbo for a year now over whether we were going to lose the house, I haven't spent much time making any kind of improvements in the house. Happy to say, about twenty four hours after this posts, we will be OFFICIALLY out of foreclosure and our house will be our own again. Yay!!! So it seemed a perfect time to make up for lost time and masculinize AA's room.
I can't b
Noah is asking for a room improvement now as well but he's not on tap for a paint job. I've got some other ideas in store for him, maybe some time after school starts. And the living room desperately needs a new paint job ever since we pulled up the carpet.
Now if I could just convince my boss to give a day off once in awhile this fall so I can work on my house and we'll be all set.
Six days until school starts so we're off to go bowling.