The weekend was unseasonably cold, which was a welcome change for me. I was ready for cooler weather to tell you the truth.
Here's what kept us busy this weekend.
5. Robot Boy
Like I mentioned above, we were supposed to go north for the day on Friday. When that got cancelled, we were kind of scrounging for something fun to do. Noah figured out something in his own anyway.

Sometimes this kid amazes me. He found scissors and all by himself, cut out arms and face. He spent all day Friday, and most of the rest of the weekend "modifying" it, to include silver duct tape, extra holes in front and side to pass things through, drawings for buttons, and trying to figure out a way to attach a paper tube to the top for an antenna.
He even took legos and duct tape to make a mask.
The funn

Even when they weren't being worn, much of the weekend was spent in the boys speaking "robot talk"
4. Bowling
We got a flyer on ou

I like bowling, but I can't stand bowling alleys most of the time because of the cigarette smoke. I end up feeling so gross when I leave, both from the smell and the general icky feeling. (I'm sorry for offending any of you out there...it's just a personal opinion) That's the reason we usually don't go. But I decided that maybe if we got there right when they opened, it might be okay. Which is what we did.
It ended up being a pretty nice little place. We bowled the first game with all four of us having our own game.
After stopping in the middle for some hot dogs to eat, we decided that the kids weren't up for another full four game set, so we teamed up the second time around.
Aaron and I played

Side Note: After playing Wii bowling so often, the real thing seemed much harder than it used to.
3. Baking a Cake
I will be writing an entire post about this later this week

As I sit here writing, there is still a lot of cake left and also about ten pounds of frosting in the refrigerator that I don't know what to do with. I guess we'll deal with that "problem" later :)
2. Hair Cuts
I have never known tw

Can you believe how much my handsome little boys look alike when they sleep?
1. Game Night
It was so funny how all week long, the kids couldn't stop talking about Game Night. They actually looked forward to it all week.
While Deb and I were out wandering through stores on Friday night, I picked up a couple more games, as well as the one I had gotten through amazon with a gift card, resulting in three new games for Game Night Week 2.
Noah and I really like Apples To Apples. It was recommended by Deb and her family, and it is a great game. The only problem was that Aaron can't play it since he can't read, and Steve kept getting frustrated because he couldn't make good connections.
I also bought another game of Chutes and Ladders. I was sure we had it already, but couldn't find it anywhere and Noah had been asking for it.
The favorite of the night

Yup, I'd say Game night Week 2 was a rousing success.
The Week Ahead
Steve is badly in need of some vacation time. So he has taken Thursday, Friday and Saturday off from work this week. We are hoping to figure out a way to get away for an overnight as a last hurrah for the summer. I guess I will have to let you know if that actually materializes or not. Other than that, only two weeks left until school starts, so we'll try to make the most of it. I started a new incentive chart, to keep the boys helping around the house, and to keep Steve and me more honest about keeping up with allowance. I hope it works.
Happy Monday!
Dylan got that same I spy game for his birthday and it's the same way for us. The boys are actually much better than Mark and I.
Looks like a lot of fun. Love sleeping pictures, such handsome boys!
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