Knowing that we were going for a school clothes shopping trip with Grandma on Wednesday, I bit the bullet and searched through the house and pulled out every pair of shorts and pants I could find. I put them all into two piles: Noah potentials and Aaron potentials.
The very minute it began, so did the protests.
"No I don't want to"

"Do I have to"
"They all fit already"
and so on....
So I laid down a few ground rules.
A. Noah gets to go first, since anything too small automatically goes into Aaron's potential pile.
B. After several years of forcing pants with button holes, I decided it isn't worth the fight and anything with buttons automatically went into the give away pile. Noah will actually NOT use the bathroom at school if he has to deal with buttons instead of snaps. I'd rather he be comfortable and take care of business at school.
C. As long as you keep the pants going, you can watch TV as we progress through this "torture"
Noah's went better

It used to be that when I was doi

So when I was done, I ended up with four piles:
N for Noah's pants
A for Aaron's pants
X for pants that are too big for them right now and need to be stored
a separate pile for give away.
Now, as we head into school clothes shopping tomorrow, I am much more prepared for what the boys need. Noah will be thrilled to know that he doesn't have to try any pants on. Aaron will not :(

But I think a reward of ice cream may in the cards for the "torture" that the boys were put through.
Does anyone else have this struggle, especially with their boys each year?
Taylor loves to shop and try on clothes...I'm the one who's tortured....lol
I did the same yesterday, but I cheat. I take a pair that I know fits and lay them on the bed and compare all of the others to that one pair. With as skinny as they are I rarely have to worry about the waist it's all about the length. They will have to try on a few pairs today, but not all of them. Thank God, because Dylan is about like Aaron when it comes to trying on pants.
Oh, and I read an article at some point that recommended putting one dot on the oldest kids pants and 2 on the younger and then when they are passed down you can just add a dot. I think I'm going to have to try that this year because I can't tell visually anymore who belongs to what and sizes are getting more similar. I wish retailers would be more consisten with sizing. It would sure make shopping and dressing easier.
OOH...bethn has a great idea!
Yes, I do go through this, but since we homeschool, I do it for winter and summer instead. And, call me crazy, but I LOVE DOING IT!!! It brings back memories and since I have 3 boys going through this stuff, I can recall many things attached to most pieces of their clothing.
Girl, I think you deserved some ice cream, too, as you seem tortured as well, ha ha!!
xoxo, Veronica in CA
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