5. Impromptu Garage S

Deb and I were planning to hold our annual garage sale next weekend, but with funds being extremely low for groceries and a forecast for rain for next week, I was driving Noah to school Friday morning and decided to try it this weekend instead. It turned out to be a good idea. I made enough to make a purchase for Noah (see below) and some groceries as well.
Unfortunately, I got a VERY sunburned face along the way.
4. "New" Bikes
Going into this spring, Aaron was still riding a little 12 inch bike and Noah had learned to ride his 16 inch last summer without training wheels. Aaron REALLY needed to move up, which also meant we needed to move Noah up as well.

The bike debacle lasted several days. We had taken the trainers off of Noah's 16 inch when he learned to ride it lat summer. Along the way, a piece was lost and Steve spent several days and visited EIGHT different stores before finding a replica that would work to put the trainers back on for Aaron. He was so excited, and took off way better than he ever did ion the little 12 inch.

When we got home, we took a family bike ride for the first time. It is going to make for a very fun summer of riding.
3. Good News On The School Front

Anyone who follows my facebook page knows already, but I am still shouting it from the mountaintops that we finally have an answer for Aaron for school next year. As I've mentioned before, I really don't feel like he is ready for kindergarten this fall, being a late October birthday, so I had started researching other options. Our local district doesn't have young fives so I had been entered into a lottery at one of the local charter schools and was wait listed. I had also applied for spots in three other local school and wouldn't have heard until June or July.
No more waiting! We got a letter on Saturday in the mail saying we got into our first choice school. The Y5's teacher has a wonderful reputation and now I can go into the summer knowing what we're going to do for him in the fall.
2. Superhero Birthda

My nephew turned five so we headed to their house after church. After an hour and a half drive, we were all ready to start partying. My SIL invited the boys to wear superhero costumes for the party. Of course, any chances to dress up in costumes is a dream for my boys, and they were so excited. Aaron is in the Mr. Incredible costume on the far right and Noah is in back with a Batman mask. This is their super hero muscle pose.
1. Fireproof

Not sure what to say about this movie. I saw some on and off reviews when it came out, but didn't pay a whole lot of attention, due to its title. I have had an irrational fear of fire my whole life and I have purposely avoided this movie, even after I read and heard SO many people talk about it.
Steve finally borrowed it a few weeks ago and watched it, and borrowed it again this weekend. He had suggested I sit and watch it with him several times, so on Sunday night, I stopped writing this post, curled up under a blanket in my hubby's arms, and watched a movie about a husband and wife who have basically lost love for each other, and while the husband (played by an adult Kirk Cameron) finds a relationship with Christ, he also works to save his marriage.
Steve was generous enough to fast forward through the only real fire scene while I hid my eyes, and by the end, I was sobbing uncontrollably the entire last fifteen minutes. I had been having a bit of a pity party the previous couple of hours prior to this movie, so it was a good reminder, once again, of where to keep my priorities.
If you choose to watch this movie, be prepared for cheesy acting with a wonderful message. Also, don't skip past the Behind The Scenes. They had me crying all over again when you realize that the people making this movie are The Real Deal.
The Week Ahead:
Now that we have a place for Aaron to go to school next year, I have two weeks to get all of the registration stuff in or we lose our spot. So tomorrow, it's off to get his shots that we never got around to doing in October, as well as getting his paperwork in and also a copy of his birth certificate to the school. We also have yet another field trip for Noah this week and Noah's first baseball game, with uniforms and "opposing teams". Still not sure if we'll put the garage sale together again next weekend or not. We'll see how the week goes.
Have a great Monday and let em know if you posted your weekend.
I'm SO thrilled that Aaron got in - woo hoo!
The garage sale was a lot of fun, even if it was exhausting too. I think we're getting pretty good at putting them on by now, lol. :)
Sunburned faces must be a prerequisite to a garage sale...lol!!! My face was peeling while in Cleavland. :o)
I am so happy that Aaron got into the school you were hoping for.
It sounds like you did good on the yard sale. I live in the country so we can't have one....no neighbors. :o(
I am so glad you got an answer for Aaron. Now good luck doing all the running it includes in the next two weeks.
I"m so glad Aaron got into his school. I'm sure it's such a relief having that taken care of. It's hard to not know what's happening for school the next year.
I'm glad the garage sale went well. You have such a great location for it.
Yay! It's such a relief to know that you're in a good school, isn't it? I think it might be where my son goes! He's in Young Fives this year and loving it.
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