Want to see a nasty picture? These are the nicotine spots that constantly return to our bathroom ceiling each week AFTER I wash it. We are non smokers who have lived in our home for seven years (to the day next week). This is all remnant of the previous owners. I have tried everything to try to clean them, but the keep coming back. We have been told that the only way is to scrape all of the paint and start over again.

Needless to say, like everyone else these days, we do not have the funds to fix our bathroom. Then I came across a "stinky room" contest. It istright up our alley. I have entered the contest but I need your help. The winner revceives a special odor reducing paint as well as money to fix the room in need of repair.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE got to the website and vote for me. If you go into "view all rooms" and then select bathroom from the list, I am listed as "Kristina" from Wyoming, Michigan. When you vote, you get entered into a drawing to win four gallons of paint of your own. It's a win win situation (I hope)
Thank you. I would be glad to return the favor someday if you let me know. And wish me luck!
I voted!
Just voted for you - good luck!
Good luck!
Yup, time to scrape and paint!
OK I voted.. I hope you win
oted 4 u
Good luck....goin to vote now.
I'm going to vote right now!
Good luck!
Voted - good luck!
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