He feels the need to always be in the center of whatever action is happening. Minnie has learned to stay out of the way, but not Pumpkin. So much so that Pumpkin got banished to the bedroom during Aaron's birthday party Sunday, while Minnie sat in a corner and watched the entire event.

But his most common activity is to follow Minnie around everywhere she goes.
8. The computer desk
Of course, Minnie doesn't always like a tag along little brother
In all reality, Pumpkin is a very sweet kitty, but he really is driving us insane. The struggle comes with the fact that Noah absolutely loves him. I can't imagine the kind of irreparable damage we would create if Pumpkin went to live somewhere else.
So I guess he can stay. But I really wish he'd leave our necks alone!
Thursday Thirteen is my favorite meme of the week so feel free to let me know if you are participating this week so I can visit you by signing Mr. Linky below.

What an adorable cat!!! I can se why your Noah loves him.. Poor little guy, maybe when he gets older he won't drive you so crazy. Not that I would know, I have a dog and he acts just like your cat. He sleeps in my suitcase if I am packing to go anywhere, and cries when he's not allowed to sit on the lap.. And he's 3,5- :) I find it adoring though!
aww cute pics!
What a sweet kitty - and a very appropriate name for Halloween! Is he a Maine Coon Cat? He looks so big and fuzzy.
We have 2 six month old kittens (brother & sister) that we took in after our cat Elvis died after almost 16 years. So it has been an adjustment going from mellow Elvis to psycho furry Lucy & Tedy!
I especially love your photo #5 - too cute.
On a separate matter entirely - is Wordless Wednesday a meme you belong to or just an awesome idea you post all alone? I love it - a great way to showcase special photos.
Oh what a familiar kitty issue. Kayla likes to lay on my arm while I'm trying to work on the computer and always on the mouse side. Eventually she'll get over it.
That was too funny and what a great post title for that!
Oh but he's such an adorable kitty... And hopefully some of the issues are ones he'll grow out of. I keep telling myself that about his sisters. Because they are driving us crazy x 2, if for different reasons. :)
too cute ... I think our kitten is having kittens *Sigh*
My T13 is up
My Little Drummer Boys
Years ago I had a cat like that. I miss him.
My TT is at http://aliceaudrey.wordpress.com
We have the same deal at our house. Onyx, the baby, has to follow Louie everywhere and be involved in everything. LOL!
Great pics!
I love your list and photos. I have a two year old half-Siamese, and he was a little hooligan until he was neutered. I was scratched from head to toe! I wouldn't be without him now though. My blog is now at moodymum.com despite the fact that I have had to use my Blogger log in. Happy Thursday!
Aww, what a frisky kitty. He reminds me of my old cat, Mojo. Hopefully Pumpkin won't grow up to be the terror Mojo was (LOL).
That is too funny! Don't get rid of him, the older he gets the better off he'll be.
maybe when pumpkin gets a little older he won't have such a driving need to do that....
happy TT
I used to have a cat that insisted on riding on my shoulder. Luckily, I broke her of the habit of climbing up my body to get there when she was a kitten.
- Celticlibrarian
I've never had cats and don't think I will - my dog doesn't love them, hehe. But Pumpkin looks like he's just out looking for snuggles :)
Love your TT!
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